Wednesday, 11 April 2012

New Studio Assistant started last week


My New Studio Assistant started last week. She is a 13 week old Miniaure Schnauzer. She has been helping me with my latest 'Woodland Light ' paintings... On her first day she had  blue acrylic paint all over her bottom. (washed it off before it dried)  

As it's Spring, I have been doing  lots of  Cheery and Apple Blossom paintings with a few Bluebell Woods too. My Solo show at Leabrooks is going well and I was pleased to sell 'Skeletal' and 'Autumn Glory' on the first weekend of the show. The Blossom paintings will be first shown at Reading Arts  Fair at the end of the month.  After which I will be working towards my open studio event which is 2nd - 5th June. Free entrance to my studio/gallery at Ormscliffe Studios in Bolsover. (watch this space for further details or visit my website

Autum Glory
